Friday, June 17, 2011

Times are changing

I feel like a kid in a candy store... wait. Bad scenario. I feel like a type 1 diabetic in a medical supply store? Ah, haha okay, I'm bad at this. Anyhow, I'm trying to voice that I decided to hop on the blog bandwagon. That sounds like I'm making fun of blogs, (but I'm not). I used to have a livejournal... back in the day, that I wrote in religiously. I'm not sure what happened or why I never created a blog up until now. I know I have a lot to say, but don't always know how to voice it. I'm hoping this will help. But I also don't want to bore you all. I worry that my diabetes stories won't make the cut in the entertainment department. I suppose that isn't the point though. However, there's plenty of you bloggers out there that never seem to disappoint! And I'm worried I can't live up to your witty, comical, relatable? is that not a word? spell check keeps yelling at me       ( I'm using it because this is my blog, after all ) , and enjoyable to read blog entries. 

For the most part, my everyday life usually consists of the same diabetes routine. I suppose that's a good thing. But where's the excitement?! The thrill?! I guess we'll have to wait and see. I tend to have a lot to say when my blood sugar gets a little rowdy.... sounds like when I have a little too much to drink.  Did I just say that? Can I say that? 

In other news, my Dexcom was supposed to be delivered today! Was it? Of course not. The nice Dexcom man on the phone lied right to my ear. I guess I can't be mad at him. I am in high hopes that it shows up on my doorstep by Monday, though. That would be a splendid start to a painfully long work week. Am I complaining already? I apologize. Speaking of Dexcom, does any one know where I can get a colored gel case for the dexcom receiver? I'm sort of a klutz. (and I want to protect it the best I can) Only when it comes to items priced higher than $50. Convenient, I know. Ask me if I've ever sat and squished a pair of $5 sunglasses. Or a cellphone that I've gotten for FREE. Nope, NEVER.  Have I dropped my IdontEvenKnowHowExpensive Omnipod PDM in the toilet? Yessiree. How about my $200 cellphone with no insurance? ... Is that even a serious question Allison? Obviously that managed to get flung out the car window.  
 Summary of this post : I am very excited for my dexcom, klutzified or not, and the FedEx man better be here Monday.

It's just about bedtime... at 10:45pm on a Friday night. Really? Yeah, ask me if I conveniently work Saturday mornings, too.  Yeah... I do. 


  1. Hey Allison! Great to have you here with us in the ever-expanding Diabetes Online Community! Don't worry - we ALL think our D-stories are boring and don't cut it. But they are what they are, and it's so great to have you here willing to share. Looking forward to keeping up and reading more.

  2. Thank you! I really like this! haha and please excuse my Blog ignorance for a few weeks before I understand how to use all this stuff!

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